Wednesday 11 May 2011

Conservative Domination

I am increasingly of the view that Conservatives would love to have single party rule.  They have a huge majority on Surrey County Council and use it to every advantage.  The voice of Surrey residents is ignored at every turn.

Three recent events are indicative of a total rejection of public views and use of a majority to ignore others:

- Surrey Conservatives rejected a petition of over 26,000 Surrey residents who objected to being charged to park near local shops.  Those at the annual meeting of the county council, where the petition was barely discussed. report that Tory county councillors spent much time in electing themselves to positions and committees and self congratulation but little time on the parking petition.

- Byfleet Library is planned for closure and replacement by a "Big Society" initiative.  Byfleet residents have objected and been ignored.  They have pointed out that the library was closed during some of the period in which usage was measured. Pleas for a "recount" have been ignored.

- Woking currently has equal numbers of Conservative and Lib Dem county councillors.  County councillors for each areas sit on a Local Committee.  Despite the current equal share of seats (subject to a by-election) the Tories refused to support Lib Dems for either chair or vice-chair of this committee.

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