Monday 15 October 2012

Who should pay to "localise" Council Tax

Have you heard about the government's great wheeze to "localise" Council Tax.  Sounds like a good idea.  Local decisions on local finance.  All makes sense.  That is until you realise that national government is not just giving local government responsibility to make decisions on council tax it is also giving it financial responsibility to pay for council tax discounts.

Until now the government has funded council tax discounts.  These are reductions given to single people (25% off council tax bill), those who aren't in work and those who work but earn a low income.  There are also discounts for empty properties and those undergoing structural repairs among others.

From your next council tax bill in 2013 local councils such as Woking and Surrey have to start charging more to all or some of those who currently get discounts or find the money from somewhere else to fund the discounts.

Woking Council is running a consultation on how you think this issue should be dealt with.

Read the background information and have your say in the consultation here

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